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I Can Waste My Own Time

I Can Waste My Own Time

If you’re anything like me, you will go to a restaurant and order what you are familiar with. So, this analogy will be a slight push, but just walk with me. Let’s say you go to a new restaurant with some friends because they all agreed that you guys pass it all the time and it wouldn’t hurt to try. So, you go in and despite your internal conflict decide to order something different. The waiter brings out the food and all your friends are in love with it and then there’s you. I mean the food isn’t terrible, but it’s not really doing anything for you either. So, you finish it because you’re hungry and you may even order it again because it’s something that you at least know isn’t nasty. You have access to other things on the menu though. You also really aren’t obligated to come to this restaurant ever again . So, why settle?

This is my attempt of saying letting people, habits and just anything that isn’t necessarily taking away from you, but doesn’t show any benefits either is still something that is holding you back. As people as a whole we like to feel content in familiarity and that’s okay sometimes. That favorite sweater or go to lipstick doesn’t have to be thrown out, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m talking more so the people in your life that you keep around because of time or boredom. Maybe even something like biting your nails. I mean, of course your nails are probably ugly, but there is no real detrimental downfall. So, we keep biting or we keep texting that person that isn’t giving us any value because it seems like it’s not hurting us, so what not?

Well, first let me say that this mindset alone is something that we need to get rid of. Our time is one of the only things we can’t get back. Who we spend our time with or what we spend our time on matters. Of course, not everything needs to be a life changing situation. Just take a step back and think though, even about the small things. Does this person make you laugh, give good advice, want to see what’s best for you? Or about that habit. What else can I be doing during this time, will this be something I can use as a tool to grow with, am I willing to give this up in exchange for something more beneficial? Sometimes we get so comfortable in the uncomfortable that we tend to make things “ not that big of a deal” or “something I just keep in my life because it really has no reason to leave.”

Remember to always guard your peace. You can live a life of fortune and still be unhappy if you don’t have it. Those things that you think aren’t draining you now will start to later. Those nails will start to bleed and those people will overstep their boundaries. This is about us learning to create each day to end with a purpose. This is about letting go of the things that deviate us even to the smallest extant of that purpose. This is about being comfortable with the situations that need to happen in order for you, for us to grow.

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