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You have to Forgive That You May Do It Again.

We have to forgive that we may do it again.

We all have a duplicate in our closets. You know that one shirt or pair of jeans that we already have, but then bought again when we were at the store because something looked a little different or maybe we forgot what we had back at home. Take this thought process and apply it to our mistakes. Sometimes we make the same mistake because it’s painted out a little different.

Let me for real start off by saying that there are no excuses to be made about making most of these bad decisions other than that’s what we wanted to do at the time or that by the time we realized the mistake we were in too deep and already bought the shirt. This just doesn’t go for relationships, it can carry over into multiple areas. School, work, spending too much money. Any decision we make multiple times that we knew in the beginning we didn’t like the outcome of before, is on us. I get it. I really do. When you want something and you have the access to get it, there is a strong level of self control you have to have to realize you are better off leaving it where it’s at and yikesssssss! I can be the first to say I’m a sucker for cute smiles, Starbucks and really anything food related, when I have access to any of these things…. Let’s just say I’m still working on the whole self control piece. So, I just want to give some encouraging words, something simple for you to keep in mind because growth is understanding things aren’t normally just a one and done process.

T hink past the instant gradififaction of things. If you entertain the boy with the cute smile who seems to have all the right words to go with, I’m not saying he won’t be right. I’m saying it’s easy to drop the ball on setting the standard when he seems to be meeting all the initial check marks.

R e- direct your thoughts. A lot of the time we make a lot of these decisions because we don’t have anything better to do. I go to Starbucks and buy an overpriced ( but still worth it) drink because I see it after every shift I work and I’m not in a rush to go anywhere so why not stop and get something to drink? Money coming out of my account is a good reason to start.

Y ou can’t always use youth as an excuse. We are young, yes. We are expected to make some mistakes that’s what comes with life, but especially the younger years where we are learning the most, of course. Emphasis on the learning though. You know better, so do better no matter the age. I won’t get out of bed for a lot of things, but a food run at anytime is almost always a yes for me. I’m on a new saving money wave and maybe eating out a little less would not only help me eat better, but also help my pockets. You’re never too young to care about your funds and if you feel healthy, a lot can slip through the cracks on just checking in on your body. I just know eating tacos every other day can’t be the healthiest choice. The excuse of being young doesn’t change the fact that I know I could be doing better.

You may do it again, forgive yourself and try to move on. The shirt looked different, the smile looked different, the excuse on why Starbucks was a good idea looked different, the food place chosen was different. Grow to realize you will continue to make the mistake if you think each time it will approach you the same.

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