If you meant more to them , they’d do more for you
If you meant more to them , they’d do more for you and here’s why
1. They have before. Every guy has or will have a girl around them that will take them out of their character. Have them surprising themselves on what they are willing to do for her. It’s sad when you think you’re the girl in this position because in the beginning he’s everything you wanted, they always are. Just remember that there is going to be a difference between the pursuit and the actual relationship. With something that will work, you will still feel the effort in both stages. In both situations the person has to be willing to put the effort needed for a healthy relationship because they want to or they will revert back.
2. They know what it would mean to them if they lost you.( emphasis on the “ they know”). We come in with an idea of what we can bring to the table. Once we are with the person we are especially able to see what we are doing for them and with that, we begin to put a “relationship price tag” on ourselves. This is something you put effort into in order to create. With that price we’ve set for ourselves we expect everyone to see our set value too right? I wish the world worked like this. Not everyone will receive your good communication, support or listening ear the same. The person you’re with knows how much they are willing to give you. They may not see you as the same price and that doesn’t mean you have what you are wrong. Think of it as trying to put a key in the wrong door. It may fit, but it won’t turn. You’ll open up doors for someone, just not them.
3. The person usually comes in with a starting value and very rarely does it increase. This plays on the last point about you having a set relationship value for yourself. They have a set value too. Time and experiences create confusion. In situations like this it is easy to think that because you’ve been through a lot with someone that they “ need” you now or you need them because you guys have become comfortable. They don’t. You don’t. This hurts. It especially hurts when you put the price tag of their “relationship value” pretty high. It’s harder to leave when you feel like the person has made themselves a part of your daily schedule, when you have become comfortable with what they present you. Don’t let them lower what you can bring to the table by letting them take your trust, giving heart, humor and all the other great qualities about you because the whole matching energy thing isn’t the move anymore. We leave. Take the signs on why you are feeling so uncomfortable sitting next to them.
Taking someone for what they are is something that I feel like especially us as women have a hard time doing because of what we see in the person we want to be with. All the potential most time is real, but not being executed and it isn’t our job to fix or teach alone. You want to be with someone who wants to grow with you and it starts by not picking the person who hasn’t 100% picked you. You’ll know the difference, I promise.