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A Microcheater?

“ It is what it feels like.” A tweet that I haven’t stopped seeing since I first read it, but it’s so true. This weeks topic being on microcheating immediately took me to the term “ talking stage” and why it will never sit right with me. These are terms with too much ambiguity that leaves people having to make up their own definitions. Do you know what that usually leads to? Confusion, and a lot of room for someone to come in and say they did something hurtful to you because they “didn’t know”. This generation categorizes things by labeling them. The new trend of making every type of lifestyle an era, talking phases, and microcheating are all created because we are uncomfortable with not having a name for something. If you feel secrecy, betrayal, or dishonesty speak on it. Sometimes what you feel and see won’t have a catchy name to it and that’s probably best because it forces you and your partner to have to get personal on what level something may trigger you. Dating is so personal and the more terms we add to the mix, the more I think we take away from defining things as a couple.

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