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Does Money Make Dating Harder?

I just read this whole post about how money can buy you comfort and I’m going to add that it can also buy you options/choices. When you come into something with your own, it may be a harder vetting process and even more limited in the dating pool, but finances never need to be the reason you stay somewhere. Yes, of course, you want to date people you feel compatible with and money is a factor in that. Yes, limited sometimes makes dating feel harder. However, having your own gives you a clear view to being able to look at someone for who they can be with you and not what they can give you. I also see how having your own can give singleness a better appeal because you realize how much you can do with just you, but I will never let anyone tell me that having a supportive partner by your side doesn't make things just that much better. Please keep in mind I’m also not rich though, so next Instagram live I’ll work on bringing a special guest with some money lol. Finding genuine people is hard for everyone, and when you work hard to build the life you wanted it’s not always easy letting someone in to live it with you. The very, very hopeless romantic in me always feels like you have better chances going into things with an open mind, staying smart, never swaying from what’s important to you. Also remembering that there is no blueprint to a "good couple", so not feeling binded to date the same way or the same type of person every time. Dating, honestly is just hard. I say a prayer for us in the dating life every night lol.

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