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I'm Adding a Warning Label

Y’ALL. This was something huh? It’s like I really think back to March of last school year and I was just living my best college life, preparing myself for senior year and all that was supposed to come with it. Then boom. I’m in the house celebrating my 21st and I don’t think I would believe someone if they came to me and said how many “ What is going on” moments we were going to have in 2020. That’s honestly what’s so crazy about time to me. It’s like all these things were crammed into a year so it’s easy just to pin it on 2020 being the problem, but, honestly, it’s just another 365 ( Well, actually 364) days filled with the unexpected.

I say this in the most….. Uplifting? Yeah, uplifting way possible because with every hardship comes lessons. I love that for us. I meannn did we have to get hit this hard to really grasp what we needed to learn? Maybe lol. Here’s the top three takeaways I got from 2020.

  1. Sometimes you won’t be able to understand where someone is coming from: This is where we just stop talking and become the listening ear. So many things affected so many people differently this year and it’s easy to want to comfort them in connection, but not everyone can give that. Not everyone wants that. Things don't always have to resolve to comparing hardships. Being an objective view can be just as effective.

  2. What you want and what you need is a hard fight: I am going to be 100% honest with you guys, I don’t read much into astrology, but all my friends that do, say I match my Taurus stubbornness to a T. I take a long time to consider my ideas, like late nights just sitting in my bed running through all scenarios. So, once I’m set, my mind is made up. In a lot of ways this mentality has done me good because even if the outcome is bad I know where I stood on it, buuuuttt, I could have avoided a lot this year. From stressing about things like grad school all the way to dating. What I want and what I need haven’t always lined up. I was grasping for stability and entertainment and that drove a lot of my decisions to say the least. The first point was about listening to others, this point is about listening to yourself.

  3. Social media is annoying if you let it be: People are faking. I know because I have definitely been one of those people. I’ll post for the blog or just a picture looking happy and could have had a DAY( or week lol :’( ). That's the ugly beauty of social media, you can be whatever you create. In a pandemic though? Toxic. It was all cool when we saw each other in passing. I’d check my social media while walking to class or about to go into work. Now? I’m in the house and refreshing my feed. If I could just say this: Don’t compare, follow some pages that cater to your interest rather than just people and take a break. That's my quick key on how I use social media now. It is as fun as you make it. Don’t let “hustle all day” social media hustle you out of your experiences because they rather have people who don’t know them, approve of them. It’s hard. What we are experiencing is hard. Just read the room. Encourage people.

This year has been one for the books. You are hours away from leaving 2020 behind you and opening new doors in 2021. I’m proud of you. There is strength in the journey even if you don’t feel it right now. There are a lot of accomplishments and good moments that came out of this year for a lot of people and don’t feel bad to speak on your success! The real support will always love to see it! I have faith in us. I’m going to try to walk into 2021 without covering my eyes.


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