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Lover Girls on the Call

When I think of a spark, the first scene I think about is two people at a random coffee shop order the same drink. When the barista calls out the order, they of course both go for it, touch hands and then make eye contact as they pull away. An instant spark because wow, you order a chai tea with almond milk and caramel drizzle around the cup too? A movie. That’s where I feel a lot of people go wrong with the idea of instant spark. It’s not always a movie moment. Sometimes "spark" just looks like a sure decision that you want to see this person again. I read this whole article about how sometimes the spark we think about can just equate to charming and that changed my whole perspective on it. Do I believe you need to feel a spark? Yes. Do I believe the spark we traditionally think about is overdone. Also yes. As long as you don’t feel like you’re wasting time, I think it’s okay to trust the process. I don't know, Let's get the lover girls on the line.

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