Will You Be My Valentine
Will You be My Valentine?
I’m really walking in and covering my face because I’m embarrassed lol. I’ve been gone too long, but I promise I'm still working behind the scenes.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day! We are about to have a day of the timeline flooded with love. I love to see it honestly. The true readers of my blog know that besides not having a love story of my own, I’m a sucker for romance. It’s like this weird oxymoron in human form.
Valentine's day for me, despite what people say about it being pointless, I think is a time to just consider love in general. I don’t know what it is ( probably the single life lol) but recently I’ve just been considering my self love journey. You ever have that feeling that you repeat something so much that it just becomes redundant. Like saying “ I love you” when you hang up the phone, not less significant, just routine. Love for myself became that. I’m about to get real honest with you, let's make this a girl talk.
Basically, I’ve never really taken the time to feel sexy. It seems small and light hearted until I really sat and thought about it. I feel like every woman should have that time where they get to know themselves and their bodies personally because it is the first steps to actively partake in self love and learning how you expect others to love you. That dancing in the mirror type vibe is important.
I look at Chloe and all the push back that she was getting on social media and then her live to follow where she felt as though she had to give people clarity. It takes a lot to be a woman. It takes a lot to feel beautiful everyday. People love something until they hate it and social media allows for us to need no real reasoning behind our words. l’m We have to constantly explain and relearn ourselves, the last thing we need is to explain anything to the public. She felt as though she was at a point where she doesn’t need to separate who she is.
I was going through my own internal battle of wanting to feel sexy while also feeling smart, family oriented, creative whatever adjectives you want to add in for yourself. I felt like I had to separate the two. The way I grew up, the way I view social media and the people around me, I made up in my head that sexy was a whole different entity, like day and night. I think when people tack on the “innocent” trait to you, that’s a lingering bias that subconsciously can make you present yourself a certain way even behind closed doors.
Breaking out of these types of labels is important. No one on this earth should know you more than you know yourself. Yes, I believe in standing on something. No, I don’t believe that anyone should be your deciding factor for your life and where you choose to stand.
Being a woman and not feeling sexy is a crime. Okay maybe not a crime, but it makes me sad that we push ourselves a lot of the time to be everything else for everyone else, I don’t want the only time I admire who I am to be under someone else’s gaze. We all deserve to admire our uniqueness in private.
Do it for you. That’s the only way you will be able to outweigh
all the contributing factors that are pulling you away from embracing yourself. Being humble can coexist with exuding confidence. I want you to pull out those cute valentines day suits, get a glass of wine even if you're single because tonight ladies, we are getting sexy.